25 December 2008

Time To Reflect About...

It is time of the year when some of us reflect about change. It could be about one's lifestyle, the future, or just to contemplate about living in the. Mine is to start the New Year or end the year with a new blog template. I have added a few new items such as; other blogs sites to view and some of my fav books.

I just viewed "Grand Torino" on the computer. It was entertaining. Clint Eastwood is such a great actor and a fav of mine. As usual; it was one of his "make my day" movie. I won’t give away the plot.

As some of you know, we do not have a TV. Why? It is an expense we do not need or want at this time. Lane and I watched just too much television while in the states. Now that we are living in this beautiful country, I do not want to be cooped up being hooked on a TV show. Been there done that and am bored with it. Someone a century ago said "Religion is the opium of the masses", it was Karl Marx; well I think if he were alive today he would say, "Television is the opium of the masses." Now do not get me wrong the tube is wonderful for watching the news, a favorite movie. Instead we read, catching up on the news from our computers, as well as setting up my blog and writing in it, downloading photos, and editing them.

They grow them BIG!

Here is a photo of a huge spider. It must have been four inches in diameter. We saw a moth in our condominium some weeks ago it had a wing span of 4 to 5 inches. Both harmless. I have included other pics as well.

Everyone have a Wonderful and Merry Holiday!

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