24 March 2010

Proudly Presenting "Sushi Madness"

A few weeks ago I attended another cooking class hosted by Cora and Dave Kent. I know it's being posted late but with my busy schedule and my beautiful sister visiting me here in Boquete there was just not enough hours during the day to post anything. So I am about 3 weeks behind on all of my this time. My sister is not to blame just me not being able to manage my time better.
It was another great class. Upon entering the Kent's home Dave greeted me and offered a glass of yummy sweet Plum Wine. As I proceeded to enter the hallway a dazzling and most colorful Kimono hung on the wall fitting the evenings theme of "Sushi Night." Cora and David as I mentioned in my last blog know how to host they are experts.

Here are some tips I learned that evening:

  • However prepare your sushi with gummy-sticky rice- it just does not taste good or look appetizing.

  • Color is very important when adding ingredients to your roll. So make it colorful.
  • Most sushi ingredients can be purchased in David or Panama City.

Lauretta Bonfiglio, proprietor and Executive Chef of Bistro Boquete was our Chef instructor for the evening. Each of us had a chance to practice and learn how to make our own sushi roll. Lauretta was great at demonstrating how easy it is to prepare delicious Sushi rolls and how easy it is to prepare Sukiyaki. Sukiyaki is one meal I had always wanted to prepare but thought it would be complicated - but to the contrary it is an easy meal with all fresh ingredients. Oh the dessert a very easy simple to make and wonderully delicious Ginger Ice Cream. Thanks Lauretta for showing all who attended a sample of how cooking can be easy and fun and thanks again to Cora and David Kent for being the gracious hosts for this wonderful event.

If you are interested in cooking some of these recipes log onto to Cora Kent's website at
http://www.boquetegourmet.com/ it would be worth your while to check it out.

Explore. Dream. Discover


Anonymous said...

Jere, this is a very interesting and informative post. Thanks so much for your participation and support. Your photos are really good, you are such a talented lady! (and a great cook)

Jane Vasarhelyi said...

Enjoyed your photos and commentary on the Comarca visit, Jere. Would love to post that on my blog with a link to yours and full credit. Will you please visit my blog and then let me know?
Many thanks,
Jane Vasarhelyi
writing as Patrick Vasarhelyi "Message from Panama"