06 January 2009

Ah, The Cuisine

I am fascinated and always have been about all the cultures in Mexico, Central America, South America, and the indigenous groups they represent. This all came due to growing up Chicano (Mexican American), traveling to parts of Mexico and having relatives who looked different from one another, some looking very Spanish than others, and then those who I thought somewhere in the family line were of African decent which is why I am so into the culture and it's cuisine. Ah, the cuisine!

My mother was a very good cook making the most delicious meals and so my love for food began at home. The cuisine throughout Mexico is so totally delicious and unique as it is true for Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, etc. All of these countries have an interesting culture, history, and cuisine and my quest to discover and experience them will eventually have me traveling to these places but for now, thankfully we are living in beautiful Panama. Cuisine is the food texture, flavor, aroma, and the time it takes to prepare these wonderful heritage meals, some taking a whole day worth of preparation.

It has been a challenge learning how to cook the different cuts of meat here. The beef in Panama is much leaner than the U.S. cuts therefore the cooking process takes longer. Another learning experience through trial and error is preparing delicious food from the Yuca, Name, Otoe these are starchy root vegetables, or the Platano (Plantain). Root vegetables are in abundance in every food market here. In some markets, the employee will cut the root vegetable for you and continue cutting it open until they find a good one. One would not receive this type of service in the U.S.

The food menu in Panama is huge it is not spicy but flavored with an array of different herbs, seasonings, garlic, and onion. Our next-door neighbor mentioned a bush with yellow flowers growing in Boquete and probably throughout Panama. The tip of the bush is where the pod grows inside is the bean called Guandu here is a picture of the Guandu or "Pigeon Peas” a popular food staple used in preparing rice dishes. I cannot begin to name and describe all of the herbs, chilies, and other foods that are part of this rich heritage; space is limited on a Blog. Here is a sample of Panama’s favorite foods.

As you probably can judge by now food is a passion of mine consider me a gourmet food aficionado. To discover a new recipe, experience a new restaurant, to tasting something new, from researching a new herb, being a food critic good or bad, or trying out something new when cooking this is my passion. The most simple dish from any country has to taste good and be authentic. No “taco bell” for me while traveling in another country and least of all in the U.S. taco bell is an insult to the Mexican culture have you noticed the "t" or the "b" are not capitalized only because it is yuckeee food! Just to let you know we do not have a taco bell in Boquete. A Subway sandwich shop is to open in Boquete now I am not sure if this is the real stuff or not and by the way, I am not fond of Subway just in case you were wondering.

We have had very good meals Panama's restaurants since arriving with only one bad experience, not bad. Panama has so many delicious items on its menu from one end of the country to other; it is truly a gastronomic experience between culture and food.

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